Jul 8, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am in Es-Ca-Row*

The posts slowed down, didn't they? That's because my life has suddenly become grown up, and very very serious. I'm in escrow! That's right ladies and gentlemen, a week from Friday I will be biting off a big ol' hunk of the American Dream. Actually, my chunk of the American Dream consists of 1,020 square feet of questionable linoleum flooring. So maybe that's a teeny nibble of the dream?

Either way-- it's mine, mine, mine! And my husband Aaron's, too. He's so pushy.

Anyhoodle, I think I will be turning this randomness into a house blog. Don't groan! It's going to be awesome.

Our (future) house is a small slab ranch built in 1955. But it's not just any old crapbox without a basement. It's a midcentury modern, influenced by Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Style! I was going to post a picture, but then I remembered that I don't need any internet stalkers.

The challenge which will be chronicled on this blog is how to redo and decorate a midcentury modern, with midcentury modern style, on much less than the normal midcentury modern budget. (I'm going to stop typing midcentury modern...now.)

That means you will not see me bragging in future posts about my (imaginary) $3,000 Modernica couch or my Eames chair. Think Target, IKEA and diy.

We close on the house in less than two weeks. When we actually own the house, I'll start posting pictures and projects. If nothing else, stay tuned for pictures of the backyard modular dwelling/tiki bar!

*Gilmore Girls 5.08: The Party's Over

1 comment:

Eli said...

just wandered over from facebook...congratulations on your new home! looking forward to seeing the Tiki Bar.